Calendar Competition
Has your Pug got the X Factor? Do you think your pug could feature in our I LOVE PUGS 2017 calendar? Send us your photos as many as you like via email, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Photos will only be fully considered if they are sent to us via this email and fit the following criteria.
- The photo is your own and can be proven that this is the case
- Is of a high enough resolution to be used for print quality – 300 dpi resolution or as close to print quality, with a minimum size of A4
- If it is a photo of your dog(s) but has been taken professionally you will need to get permission from the photographer for us to use (we will credit all photography) but will not pay any further rights to use any photography. If in the event you have not got the correct permission for use of a photograph and we have used it and there are any claims or consequences relating to this, you by agreeing to provide the photo for use by us means you will be liable for any issues or claims in relation to rights usage from the photographer or company that raises the issue. THIS IS OUR DISCLAMER
- We will need you full name, address, dogs name if you are successful and the photo is being used
- All entries need to be sent to us by 31st October 2016 – entries after that point may not be considered
If you do not receive an email from us about your entry then we will not be considering your entry, only people we contact back will be in consideration for usage in the competition and calendar.
Some photos may look good on a smaller screen or even on a big screen but you could be viewing it at a low resolution still. All photos need to be able to be used at a print quality of 300 dpi A4 in size, we will inform you if your photo is being considered for use and then we will also confirm or will request a higher resolution version if you have one if it does not fit the print criteria. If you do not have a higher resolution version and the photo is unable to be used again we will inform you of this.
If your pug is lucky to feature in our 2017 calendar you will get a FREE copy of the calendar and the prestige of being an I LOVE PUGS pin up pug! We will include your pug’s name, where you’re from & your name on the photo if we use it!
Some examples below of the previous Calendar winners to give an idea of the type of quality of picture we requires…